Staining and tips to keep your pool finish looking like new.


All pools are susceptible to staining. Pool shop shelves are testament to this with a myriad of stain removers on the market.

Contrary to what you may hear from industry competitors, copper staining (turquoise) is one of the easiest stains to remove, iron or rust (brown/black) been one of the hardest. Even the impurities in salt can stain a pool.

If you are one of the few that has inadvertently overdosed the copper in your pool, fear not. Firstly turn off and disconnect the ioniser part of the system. As long as there is  0.2 - 0.3 ppm of copper in the water Enviroswim will work 100% without the ioniser connected.  Copper staining can be removed using citric acid or other organic based stain removers, they lift the stain back into a soluble solution. Depending on how high the overdose is, to avoid re-staining once the copper is back in solution the pool may need diluting. To determined this, conduct a copper test after the stain has lifted as the reading will rise as the copper comes back in solution.

In cases where the copper level has been allowed to rise above 0.6 ppm we recommend the pool is diluted in proportion to the overdose to avoid recurring staining issues.  Example; if the copper level is twice as high as recommended the pool should be diluted 50% by draining half the pool and refilling with fresh water.  This is an extreme example as it would take months of ignoring operating instructions and water testing to overdose the copper by this amount.

As previously mentioned, there are many metals that can enter the pool causing stains. It is good practise to treat your pool with organic/citric based acid  based metal stain remover once or twice a year just to keep it looking new & pristine.

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Article ID: 9

Category: Knowledgebase

Date added: 17-11-2015 22:50:09

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